Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tea for two and a piece of cake: My Review

There has been a little desire in me to post reviews about books.I have been hesitating to execute it since I am not voracious reader at all.This thought has changed after reading my favorite author preeti shenoy's book "Tea for two and a piece of cake".

To start with, let me remember you a statement that you would have heard or read "All is fair in war and love" (from the JAB WE MET- Movie).

The Film makers say "We have conceived the movie in a different dimension and blah blah blah".but those movies would have got one more spicy item dance and unwanted scenes. There would be few movies which actually mean it. We love it and the makers do mean what they say and this applies to this book

Before reading the book, I had no idea about the story.As I have read all preeti shenoy's books, I believed that "this is gonna be something unusual" and It was. You would heard about this word "Triangular love story". I should say this "A Cup of Tea and Piece of cake" is a right angled triangular love story :)  and you would know it at once you have read the book. The story has two parts and they are narrated with extra-ordinary situations with perfect vocabularies.

This Story revolves around Nisha,Samir,Aakash,some friends and Tea (:)). Nisha should be a girl we would identify in our neighborhood.A girl who loves to be loved.A girl who loves his work and little emotional towards it

First part:

This part of the story .The first half of the book revolves around her time with the person whom she finds as a dream guy or lovable heartthrob or what ever.She loves him to the core.Preeti has narrated this first half at her best. you would want to be samir (If you are a male) and Nisha (If you are the opposite gender).This part has blend of emotions knitted together which would make you appreciate the narrative skills of author. It has strong love,perfectionism,misunderstandings and you would adore the way the characters react to each other.

Second Part.

The friendship part and this is the unusual part and kudos to the author for consciousness about the fact on putting this important relationship. Aakash,a smart and cool guy who adores nisha very much.In this second part (I really loved reading this part of the book). The most important this this part has too many cute characters. I was lost while reading this chapter.The happenings were getting visualized in front of mind and I wished I was a neighbour to Nishaa. Nisha's kids and Mrs B's characters are breezy and everyone would love to have them. Rohit and his sister stole my heart. Love in this part is something real and unusual. You cannot stop yourself falling in love with nisha if you were one of the characters in the story.

Inference from this book:

1. Be audacious all the times.
2. Be generous and you will get it back in multiples of it.
3. You can work out the relation ship issues if you speak out.
4. The world will not be the way you like the world to be.You need to adapt yourself

Above all, I have learnt important facts from this book.As I said ""All is fair in war and love" (from the JAB WE MET- Movie)", holds good here.Love and it is the best one that one can ever give it to her/his person.It makes you what ever you want to be. It gives you the ability to achieve what others said we cannot. and You would find the reason/ways after reading this book.

P.S. I really miss a Cup of Tea from Nisha and a Piece of Cake from Mrs B.


  1. For a first time attempt, must say it is nicely done...keep writing!

  2. Great start dear. Keep it up. yesterday only finished that. Marvelous piece of work by Preeti. She ll definitely march a great path in future and bag more for her. "A Cup of Tea and Piece of cake", just correct the title, to "Tea for two and a piece of cake". Keep writing more reviews, about ur fav. author Robin Sharma. Waiting for more..
